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Heart (Agni Yoga). The book-knowledge (philosophy, the SCIENCE, the Future). Paris, London, New York, Washington

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COOPERATION-FOREIGN to Friends on Spirit and heart: Painting - PICTURES, Poetry - VERSES, Soul Music

1. To behold with the eyes of the heart; to listen with the ears of the heart of the roar of the world; to peer into the future with the comprehension of the heart; to remember the cumulations of the past through the heart; thus must one impetuously advance upon the path of ascent. Creativeness encompasses the fiery potentiality, and is impregnated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, upon the path to the Hierarchy, upon the path of Great Service, upon the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can the manifested rays be radiated if the flame is not affirmed in the heart? It is precisely the quality of the magnet that is inherent in the heart. The highest creativeness is imbued with this great law. Hence, each consummation, each union, each great cosmic unification is achieved through the flame of the heart. By what means can the foundation of the great steps be laid? Verily, only through the heart. Thus the arcs of consciousness are fused by the flame of the heart.
Thus, we shall keep in memory the beauteous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Verily, the silver thread that links the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart. The union between Teacher and disciple affirms the essence of all evolutions.

2. Many legends tell of the fulfillment of wishes, but they do not speak of the fundamental condition of issuelessness, which whets the desires to the point of immutability. Each tiny deviating path already dulls the arrow of immutability. But as one who is unaccustomed to the water can swim when in danger of being drawn to the bottom, so the solution of the fulfillment of a wish is found when all paths are cut off. People say a miracle has happened! But often it was only the intensification of the psychic energy. The heart, the sun of the organism, is the focus of psychic energy. Thus, in speaking of the heart we must have in mind the law of psychic energy. It is beautiful to sense the heart as the Sun of Suns of the universe. We must understand the Sun of the Highest Hierarch as our Banner. Beautiful is this Banner, like an invincible power if our eyes have assimilated its radiance, reflected in our heart.

3. Whether the heart be called the abode of the Elohim or the synthesis of syntheses, it still remains the focal point. Even those who recognize in the heart only its lower physiological functions, even they have an attitude of care for the heart. How much more deeply, then, must he who knows about the magnet and silvery thread harken to the heart. Therefore the Teacher draws one away from everything narrowly physical, in order to remind about the spiritual world through each organ. It is a festival for Us each time a pure direction of thought is projected into the sphere of invisible existence. One must lead into the abode of the Elohim with complete perseverance, as though danger pursued the entering one. One can recognize the path of the chosen ones when the Invisible World has become real and accessible to them; then one can notice the growth of consciousness, and the very organs of the body become transformed, imbued by the link with Hierarchy.

4. The heart is a temple, but not an abode of idols. Thus We are not against the construction of a temple, but We object to fetishism and to bazaars. Likewise, when We speak of constructing a temple like a heart, We do not mean that it be of heart-shaped design. We speak of its inner significance. A temple cannot exist without realization of the infinite chain; so, too, the heart contacts all the sensations of the Cosmos. The heart's anguish or joy interresounds with the far-off spheres. Why, then, is anguish sensed more often than joy? Of course, the constant cosmic perturbations agitate the heart that adheres to them. Therefore is the service of such a heart so great upon the scales of the world. Help the structure of the world! There is neither a day nor an hour when the world is not in danger! Two eyes alone cannot foresee these dangers, but only three, as upon the Banner of the Lords! One must comprehend the temple of the heart as an imminent sensation. Not without cause was the heart marked by the sign of the cross. Thus, the sign of the cross eternally accompanied the temple of the heart.

5. New circumstances will indicate the path to the future. Truth is the same, but combinations vary, according to consciousness. How much of the beautiful is destroyed, owing to the ignoring of the temple—the heart! But let us irresistibly strive to a realization of heartfelt warmth, and let us begin to feel ourselves as the bearers of the temple. Thus one can cross the threshold of the New World. How poor in spirit are those who believe that the New World is not for them! The bodies differ, but the spirit will not evade the New World.

6. Doubt is the destruction of quality. Doubt is the tomb of the heart. Doubt is the source of ugliness. Doubt must be mentioned in each talk, because where can we go without quality? What shall we understand without the heart? What shall we attain without beauty?
They will ask, Why first Infinity, then Hierarchy, and only then Heart? Why not the reverse? But first comes the direction, then the connection, and then the means. One must not spoil this sacred recourse by doubt. Let us regard the quality of the pulse of a man in doubt and also at the hour of devoted striving. If doubt can alter the pulse and the emanations, how physically deteriorating will be its action upon the nervous system! Psychic energy is simply devoured by doubt.
After doubt, let us recall treason itself, for who is closer to doubt than the traitor? But one can overcome that darkness only by adherence to Hierarchy, to the most inevitable, like the radiance of the sun. Truly, it burns, but lacking it there is darkness!

7. The heart is the focal point, but of all it is least egocentric. Not egoism dwells in the heart, but pan-humanity. Only reason enshrouds the heart with a cobweb of egocentricity. Mercy is measured not so much by so-called good actions, the cause of which can be too varied, but by the inmost kindliness; it kindles the light which shines in the darkness. Thus, the heart is verily an international organ. If we accept light as the symbol of the aura, then its parent will be the heart. How necessary it is to learn to feel one's heart not as one's own, but as the universal one. Only through this sensation can one liberate oneself from egoism, safeguarding the individuality of accumulations. It is difficult to contain individuality with universal containment, but not vainly is the magnet of the heart connected with the Chalice. One can understand how the heart radiates a special light, which is refracted in every way by the nerve substance. For the crystal of psychic energy can be variedly tinted.

8. The purification of the heart is difficult, when the web of egoism fattens it. The fat of egoism is a bestial heritage. The pure accumulations of individuality can explain that which reason cannot even conceive. It is especially difficult to inculcate someone with that which has never entered the circle of his imagination. The heart is considered the abode of imagination. How is it possible to move when the force of imagination is lacking? But whence will it come if there be no experimentation?

9. Heartlessness is nothing save an uncultured condition of the heart. Faint-heartedness is a limitation of thinking. Intolerance belongs to the same family of abominations which impoverish the sacred vessel of the heart. You know already that the subtle, intensified heart creates an impetus like a dynamo, thus proving that it is a vessel of universal energy. But the culture of the heart is not accumulated if it does not receive proportionate nourishment; likewise the best accumulator is inactive without protection and correct connection. The heart demands constant nourishment, otherwise, deprived of the highest link, it decays. Thus let us not forget how at the bottom of the chalice an infant was represented as the symbol of ascent.

10. By a rare experiment, one can see how the heart reflects even far-off earthquakes and other world events. One can notice how not only cosmic perturbations but even reflections of the radiations of the spirit act at remote distances. We pay attention to the transmuter of prana, to the lungs, which transmit the essence to the heart as the affirmation of world balance.
The new achievements in the subtle bodies are crowned with success. Such attainment has become undelayable, because the basis of the connection with the Magnet of Hierarchy is violated. As a help to the violated balance a new form of fine body is given.

11. When the treasures of energy surpass the treasures of the heart and straight-knowledge, then a co-worker-teacher is usually sent for equilibrium. Verily, a Professor was attached to Washington, and a Sage of the Mountain was attached to Genghis Kahn. Many similar examples can be cited. One should regard this as a supplement to their activity, but not as an absolute requirement. There are also many examples when the workers resisted such cooperation, bringing irreparable harm not only to themselves but also to the General Good. More than once have We experienced such refusals. Precisely, the want of development of the heart impeded the increase of possibilities that already had been assembled through accumulations.

12. Our Hand will not tire in stretching forth to the heart the saving thread. Who can say that We tarried with help? But We can name many occasions when Our messenger became frozen through heartlessness. It is so hard to bring into action the potencies of the heart. One should manifest a flight over the precipice, as if from the final shore into the Infinite. How sacred is the courage of self-denial, which opens the heart!

13. Can you imagine what humanity would represent with healthy bodies and uncultured hearts? It is even difficult to imagine such a feast of darkness. All the illnesses and infirmities are unable to curb the universal madness of the heart. Verily, so long as the heart has not become enlightened, diseases and infirmities will not be removed, otherwise the fury of the heart coupled with powerful bodies will terrify the worlds. It was said long ago of the holy man—“He walked before the Lord.” That means he did not violate the Hierarchy, and thus purified his heart. Through the slightest purification of the human heart one can manifest a waterfall of Benefaction. But at present one can act cautiously if the heart has not as yet become putrefied. Thus, without falling into despondency, one must know that the darkness has become heavy and many hearts are putrid. The actuality of the significance of the heart is an old truth, but never has it been so needed as now.
14. It will be asked, Which energy is assumed when one speaks of the heart? Of course this is the same Aum, the psychic energy of all three worlds. But in studying it one can establish that the precipitations are multicolored. Certainly the precipitations may be red, purple, or blue, but approaching the heart, they lose their coloring. The crystal of the heart is white or colorless. Of course, this resonance of the heart is not often observed, but one should strive toward it. The ancients advised the placing of one's hand upon the needles of the young cedars, in order that the condensed prana might penetrate through the fingertips. There are many ways of receiving psychic energy from the vegetable kingdom, but the one regarded as best is that of the open heart when it knows the direction of striving.

15. Though we be humiliated by the hypocrisy of ignoramuses, the way is one, and nothing will impede it if the heart is pure. It was wise to liken the heart to a ship, but a ship presupposes a helmsman. Courage is born of a pure heart. One can compare it to a rose, where the significance of the flower is in the number of its petals, but if they are torn off, the flower itself is injured. Thus, guard the defense of the heart. It is wise to understand that only the lord of the flower has access to all the petals.

16. Here We are speaking of direct striving to Us. We speak about the benefit and success which result from such direction. It would seem enticing to test this remedy. But how many attempt to go by this path? Whereas, each one who has tested Our panacea will say that Our Advice is beneficent. He will confirm everywhere and always that when his thoughts remained with Us, he was successful. Each failure was due to the strain upon the silver thread. How beautiful it would be if on completing a day each one would question himself regarding the quality of his thinking during these hours! How powerful could one become in the realization that his thoughts have strengthened the linking thread! The appearance of unfit thoughts could be eradicated at once, but people are such that they listen without hearing and do not read beyond the sight.
Thus My Advice once again is to transform the Teaching into a daily necessity. My Advice is to observe the extent to which one's surroundings become successful. In small groups mutual thoughts should be especially watched in order not to burden and interrupt the current. Many teachings advise this simple discipline, but each book should give a reminder of it, because that which is most vital, most needed, is not applied in life. And it is a great happiness for Us when We have as complete confidence in someone as in Ourselves. Thus, powerful is the citadel of the open heart.

17. Unceasingly and during all times, the Teaching of Life is poured upon Earth. One cannot imagine one's earthly existence without this link with the Invisible World. As the anchor of salvation, as the guiding light, the Teaching strengthens our advance in the darkness. But amidst the shower of Beneficence, as with sea waves, one can notice the rhythm, with special definite expansions, then the Teachings appear. Thus, one can explain the rhythm of this entire world by growth and submergence, in other words, inscribing the evolution of existence.

18. Interruption of rhythm is due to many conditions, but the essential means of avoiding this perturbation is in unity to direct oneself to Us, where lies the decision of everything. For comparison—as a grain of dust arrests a tremendous wheel, so the breaking of rhythm interrupts the current. However, just now is a date of great tension. Thus the possibilities are so near, events already gather like a rolling ball, and terror will appear as salvation.

19. If people, at least partially, could feel the essentiality of a moment, they would help Us greatly. Without speaking about the exact discernment of an occurrence, even the general mood would already strengthen the magnet of the will. People do not take into account to what extent unconscious vegetating complicates the world order! The heart, as a hearth of transmutation, must prompt everyone about the pressure of the spiritual atmosphere. It should not be thought that the heart suffers only concerning oneself, of course it pains because of universal agitation. One should attempt to unite the hearts into a harmonious round; even a little-tested heart will contribute its valuable energy to the common chalice. The heart strengthens Our sendings, pushing aside the new weeds. There are many untested hearts, but still more that are covered up with ashes. Many sparks are needed to penetrate the cold ashes.

20. If straight-knowledge is not awakened, then even reality, even the evident, are unattainable. One cannot compel anyone to perceive the evident, or even the striking. Later someone will say to you, “Why do I not see or hear, if there exists and Invisible World?” The same occurs also with the sick, who reject their treatments. They would like to improve, but at the same time they direct their entire consciousness against the physician. Thus, it would be useful to compare those who see with those who are blind in spirit. One could find the causes of success of some and the downfall of others. Thus, by comparing the apparent manifestations, one can solve many problems of reciprocal action of the worlds.
The Invisible World is, in reality, highly visible when the eye is not obstructed. Manifestations of mediumship are not needed in order to feel the Light of the Higher World, but one can ascend only to the Highest; therefore all forced artifices of the lowest magic are nought in comparison with the first light of the heart. Not many know the fires of the heart, but these torches must give light to all. Therefore, blasphemy against the spirit and renunciation of the Teacher are so grievous. I say—one may ponder for long about the Teacher, but once having chosen one, do not retreat. Let us manifest understanding of the foundations of the structure.

21. Advise conversations about the spiritual. One may observe much that is useful in spiritual recollections. In addition, a spiritual conversation safeguards one from the mire and from irritation. The affirmation of spiritual manifestations will lessen the hatred of the Invisible World. Where spiritual conversations are often held, a special aura is accumulated. Those conversations, even though they be imperfect, proclaim themselves as touchstones to those present.
Different peoples bring their understanding of the principles of spirituality. By this one can judge the fitness of hearts. Moreover, avoid arguments about that which is undeniable. Recently I wondered at the dissension between the followers of Joan of Arc, Sergius, and Moses. Each proclaimed that his Protector did not agree with the other. Whereas, knowing the truth it was sad to hear these inventions, composed for discord. Even if there is no unity, at least let there be no butting of foreheads, because horns will grow!
Now imagine, if those who know Truth were to be harmonious and unite their thoughts, what a power would come into being here on Earth, in spite of all the pressure of the atmosphere! He who triumphs in spirit is already Ours!

22. Advise to develop thinking and observation. The heart cannot fulfill its destination if instead of a thought there are fleas and instead of observation, a mole. With such fellow travelers one will not go far! Now is the very time to deepen the trend of thought, else the masses will not find an application for the treasures received. Overproduction is the sign of a trivial trend of thought and a lack of observation. It is said that schools should introduce hours for training in observation and thinking. The heart cannot be nurtured externally only, it must be supported also by earthly strivings. Firmness of striving will be attained also by sharpness of cognizance.

23. Each one of you is acquainted with special types of preachers who having gathered all the bones of other writings depart with them into oblivion. Reason collects detailed proofs, but the purpose of these accumulations remains undisclosed, for the heart is silent; thus, we call them the silent in heart. Moreover, these preachers, giving others innumerable counsels succumb to faint-heartedness at the first opposition. Verily it is only the heart that bestows immortality. The affirmation of the heart is already the revelation of the future. Far from the heart are those who themselves fear counsels gathered by the reason. The ancient Teachings speak of the holy madness. Consider this as a counteraction to the frigidness of calculations; consider it the vital beginning above the conditions of deadliness. Those who deny the Teaching are not far from falling into the abyss. Those who affirm Truth, even with imperfection, are already on the path. During crossing into the Subtle World they will not regret that they called the heart to life.

24. We are having a great battle. One need not fear the approach of the hour proclaimed long ago. It should not be thought that unhappiness creeps in when We see the battle for Light. One should not forget that persecution is the greatest success. Only a taut string can resound.

25. Without exaggeration it can be said that the majority of heart diseases originate because of wealth. Therefore, people who have embraced the Teaching depart from wealth to remain only its guardians.

26. You know that suggestion can be given in any language; thus obviously the sense and essence of understanding is proved without the limitation of dialect. I consider the manifestation of hearty understanding as a necessary step in the approach to Us. The language of the Subtle World brings into effect the dream about mutual understanding. One must realize this possibility before beginning to use it.

27. The Philosophers' Stone is something real. It must be understood spiritually and physically. The spiritual condition that is called “Stone” corresponds to the consonance of all the precipitates of psychic energy. Physically the preparation is quite close to the preparation of Paracelsus, but he made a basic error in which he insisted in vain. As for the rest, the Arabian sources which sustained Paracelsus were quite correct.

28. Suggestion can be conveyed by thought, or sound, or by a glance, or increased by strong breathing. What possibilities for scientific observations are contained in these actions! It can be observed how inhaling strengthens sound and the emanations of the eye! Long ago the various properties of the glance of the human eye were noticed. One can, by a series of experiments, observe how far the radiations of the eye act. During these, it will be instructive to watch the combination of the power of thought with the physical emanation of the eye. Only by observation can one appreciate the invisible world of human actions. Complicated is the web woven by the unconscious actions of thought! Do not wonder that thought continues to live in space. Likewise, the physical particles of the glance do not disappear. Learning observation we shall once again remember about the heart and understand the symbol of the piercing arrow. Many arrows pierce the heart, as on ancient images; on them we also see the flame of the heart. Perhaps without arrows the flame is impossible? It can be affirmed that the basis of the manifestation of flame is a blow, like the birth of a new rhythm. The Teacher wishes that the rhythm be accelerando—thus in everything.
On must not predetermine possibilities. Exactly what is impossible today will be possible tomorrow.

29. For the approach to Us, the understanding of full freedom is necessary. How terrible is the consequence of fear or the seeking of profits! Unclouded striving, freed from all burdens, manifests a true path. Only that heart from which no cunning, no corruption can be concealed can judge where such freedom begins. But subtle are the boundaries of the freedom of heart. What do people not accumulate around this subtlest web! If the heart reverberates with the distant earthquake, if our skin senses the warmth which flows from a hand, even at a considerable distance, then how much more does the heart vibrate from human radiations! It is exactly this quality that is not noted sufficiently in contemporary science.

30. Why do so many experiments remain without result? First of all, on account of impatience and the lack of desire to assume responsibility. Sometimes We are reproached that help did not come in time. But instead of a reproach, the one who asked should remember how prematurely he deviated or considered the load excessive. We deplore it greatly when we see faint-hearted deviations or an unwillingness to place oneself on the edge of a precipice. But how to strain the energy if not by an extreme situation? Such situations ought only to be considered not as the end, but as the beginning. Likewise, exercising patience, it is useful to acquire a conception of beginning. For some, everything is definitely an end, but for Our pupils everything is a beginning.

31. How shall We explain when the heart is silent? How shall We quicken when the heart is heavier than iron? How shall We move the heart which has died in spirit? Thus one can learn to value each reverberation of the heart when the secret flower manifests a multitude of petals which guard the sacredness of the spirit.

32. “The channels of Beneficence and the recipients of the earthly poison”—thus are called the chosen ones, ready to offer themselves for the benefit of the world. The assimilation of the poison is unbearable without the power of Bliss. But without the earthly poison the power of Bliss would carry one away; thus striving upward has an earthly foundation. Of course, the assimilation of poison is unbearable for many, but also for the affirmation of Bliss an actual tempering of the heart is needed. We consider it a treasure when the heart is ever ready to resound to the environment, being already without tension. It is not easy to do this unless the energies are transformed into resounding crystals; then there will be formed the Ringse so correctly pointed out in Tibet in the Covenant of the Himalayas.

33. And who would assert that it is easy to follow the Teaching if the accumulations are insufficient? But if the Chalice is filled, then the path of the Teaching is inevitable. We can understand the difficulty of assimilating earthly poison, for each one of Us has absorbed an unlimited quantity of poison. As the magnet attracts certain metals, so the heart absorbs Bliss. As a sponge absorbs liquid, so the pores of the skin absorb the earthly poison. But the prana absorbed consciously pacifies the flow of poisons.

34. People are divided not only according to organic specifications but also according to the elements; in their consciousness certain attachments remain. None will be able to discern so many shades of flame as people of fire. None will be able to love the water so much as the people of this element. Of course the people of fire will also be especially attracted to Agni Yoga. They will feel the entire need of it. They will approach the Teaching of Fire not by reason, but as the only decision. One can understand the need of the Teaching when there is no other issue.

35. The most difficult thing for people is to coordinate the utmost rapture of spirit with inexhaustible action. For success, extreme tension of spirit is needed, but in each action a certain reserve must be preserved. An exhausted action loses its beauty and the magnetism of conviction. A singer who has exhausted the vocal reserve primarily arouses pity. The manifestation of extreme tension of spirit must not reflect itself in actions of desperation; for then the manifestation of inner energy will dissolve in an action foreign to the spirit. One must cognize this law firmly, in order not to turn into a windmill. I advise to gather all forces of the spirit in order not to atomize them by unbridled actions.

36. If you notice signs of the Elect, do not hinder the actions of this Emissary. One can know the signs of Agni Yoga and according to them recognize the path of the Chosen One. Thus, the manifestation of an Envoy consists not in externals but in unusualness of actions. It is natural that actions of special significance must startle people's consciousness; both sides, in their own way, manifest their understanding of these actions. But we cannot name one Envoy around whom there did not occur wondrous intensification of energy. Clouds precede the tempest, therefore clouds always precede the affirmation of Truth. But you already know the significance of these spiritual phenomena. You can establish how during centuries the benign Tidings are repeated and how they spread among the multitude. From the spiritual Summit one can perceive the rhythm that carries the echoes of the Teaching.
But when you notice even the slightest traces of a call, know not to hinder; for the foundation of Agni Yoga is fire, and one must not extinguish it. And who will dare to turn the fiery element against himself? Each extinguished flame will produce an echo; hence the karma of the extinguisher is like the fate of a murderer.

37. An Agni Yogi is economical in everything; not because of niggardliness, but through knowing the value of energy that is poured from Above. Thus he saves his own as well as the surrounding energy. People's error usually lies in presupposing energy to be only in great actions and forgetting that the expenditure of the same energy, which is precious in essence, is far greater in small matters. Small actions as well as small things encumber life. Especially must one beware of dust, which mixes with the emanations of things and dissipates that personal energy which should be preserved in one channel. Thus will we safeguard everything connected with the energy of Hierarchy.

38. How necessary it is to learn to understand everything spiritual! We may expect nothing from the heart if our thoughts do not rejoice in the mention of everything spiritual. For we must attain the step where light emanates from our beings; then we are true co-workers with the higher worlds. Radiating the light of Bliss, we are at the same time physicians, creators, and protectors along the descending scale of Hierarchy. First we see the outer light, then that within ourselves, and only after the kindling of the “torch” can we radiate Light.
39. Chiefly, speak of the spiritual. The path of the spirit, like nothing else, develops the consciousness and purifies one's life. Regard spiritual discourses as practical exercises of the heart. It is necessary to purify the consciousness as a path toward success. Again I speak, not abstractly, but for application to life. Try the experiment of administering medicines to a conscious and an unconscious being. It is instructive to compare the extent to which consciousness intensifies all the manifestations and processes. Thus can one recognize the essential worth of the consciousness. Besides, a spiritual discourse directs the striving of the A-energy into a definite channel toward the heights. Precisely, Ketub is the unifier of energies. Thus, one must not spend time in striving toward the habitual, when there are so many possibilities which attract one upward.
The joy of heart lies in striving upward.

40. The Invisible World participates in earthly life much more than is supposed. Advise that attention be directed to many small manifestations, which are usually not even noticed. Not striking and blinding manifestations, but those which the limited mind calls coincidence or accident, these construct unforgettable results. If we take all the inexplicable manifestations of the heart, even unprepared minds will notice unusualness which contradicts the deductions of medicine. Let us take for instance the so-called double pulse, when an external influence seemingly creates two focal points for the organism. Yet, the manifestation of cosmic energy explains with perfect simplicity how closely we are united with the external forces, and the external fires and lights will remind us of the same thing, if our minds will permit them to be seen.
It is necessary to understand the substance of these manifestations, without forfeiting saneness of thought. Thus one can transform magic into the Teaching of the Heart. Each one has a heart; therein, for each one, is contained the potentiality of energy, which means that the New World is forbidden to no one. We call the New World the perception of the invisible one, even in its primary stage. Even such understanding could bring new foundations into life!
The unifier of energies, the unifier of knowledge, the fiery Ketub, is understood by an Agni Yogi. Striving toward knowledge will show how unnoticeably the new consciousness is being stratified, and how it changes the substance of life.

41. Sometimes let your heart converse with the Higher World. This conversation can be held in many tongues. Perhaps the heart will gather in its memory hours from many lives. Perhaps the conversation will be a silent one, without precepts and advice, only ascending and strengthening in ascension; there may be the silence of gratitude or the silence of the power of readiness. The flame of the heart is kindled in striving toward unification with the Higher World. Only the heart will find the way to Hierarchy. The heart will strengthen itself by the power of the Highest. Only the heart will be a stronghold in battle.

42. Great, narrow, and intense is the battle. We know how the tension of some leads to the strengthening of others. When I advise the preservation of energy it means that the forces are arrayed for the battle. The fire spreads over the entire world. In comparison with the present the former war was nothing. To safeguard one's energy will be but a sign of fitness for action. Such caution is needed in everything, when We ourselves approach with measures unprecedented for the present race. But it is impossible to forsake the world in its decomposition! Consider the time extremely serious! Thus strive toward Me!

43. Magic is like a massage. A massage artificially limits and restores the forms of the body and circulation of the blood. Magic also artificially connects and restores the communion with the Invisible World. Massage is not necessary for a normal organism. Magic is not necessary for a developed spirit. Massage is concerned with unhealthy organs. Magic propounds the teaching of conditions, of palliatives, without opening the simplest approach to the Higher World. When beginning massage, it is necessary to increase it, otherwise the tissue will be threatened with abnormal growth and destruction. Turning to magic, it is necessary to increase its conquest, otherwise the elements will begin to press the retreating one. Thus, comparing the bodily and spiritual worlds, we see the same vital laws. The same laws indicate how much closer to a developed consciousness are the simplest paths. During moderation the stomach will not grow. The heart will not become silent during the refinement of the spirit.

44. It is necessary to establish forever that Yoga is not magic. First of all, there is nothing artificial in Yoga. The relationship and harmony of the laws of Be-ness are opposed to everything coercive. A Yogi may not disturb the Primary Energy without extreme necessity. With a Yogi, complete cooperation is created with nature. Thus, a Yogi's knowledge is based primarily upon straight-knowledge; upon this pure surface are inscribed the signs of experience.

45. The process of intensification of energy is similar to a pump. Thus, the upward striving of energy is absolutely conditioned by the downward pressure. People usually regard this pressure as misfortune, failure, whereas this is the physical threshold of ascent. Oppression is, of course, manifested entirely differently, but each one who has attained the ascent can establish the moments of inner or outer oppression. It is sad to see how uninformed people succumb to oppression without understanding the law of the pump; this condition is especially serious at present, when a mass consciousness is being molded, when it is so needed to coordinate the thousands of consciousnesses, undisciplined, uneducated, ignorant of the most elementary laws! How easily these masses can lose the understanding of oppression as the gates of ascent.

46. The pledge is a manifestation of tremendous significance. It creates the chain of hearts and turns Chaos into conscious arteries of space. The symbol revealed to you by night was highly significant. The serpent of darkness devours the friend if he does not enter into conscious communion. Similarly great is the responsibility of him who takes the pledge. Not in vain is it said—the hand burns! Thus, without exaggeration a fiery pain pierces one when those for whom one has vouched make mistakes, but there cannot be any other construction, therefore, learn caution and attention.

47. In what, then, does happiness consist? Is it in being able to sit still without daring to arouse the Primary Substance with thought? Or is it in directing the thought to a new construction of life? I first spoke to you of action, but now we shall affirm thought. Action, even the most exalted, touches comparatively low strata; only thought, in its nature, can act upon the Primary Substance. First I spoke of action as the attainable evidence, but with a sufficiently broadened consciousness it is time to affirm the significance of thought. Multitudes of thoughtless actions remain at the surface of existence, undifferentiable from the actions of the animal world. But if we speak of straight-knowledge and the heart, it is necessary to affirm thought as the power and co-creator of Existence. Notice that I do not speak of discussions, nor of pondering, but of thought, which sweeps through the surface of Substance with its individual rhythm, and thus creates infinitely!

48. Thought is the manifestation of vital happiness; thought that is rent from the heart will not penetrate the surface of Being, but thought that comes from the heart is like an impetuous arrow! One need not be confused by the inception of thought amidst the intensification of energy; those thoughts are like a battering ram, which will penetrate into the depth of Be-ness. Therefore, after outer action, let us value the reality of the creativeness of thought.

49. The note from space is intensified still more, and the new rhythms are like a new armor unexpected by the dark ones. One can continuously create new vibrations and thus repel darkness.

50. Before him the weaver has his warp, without which the most skilled craftsman cannot reveal his creative thought. For creativeness of thought, the Cosmic Thought-Frame is also necessary; for thus We name the Primary Substance from which fiery thought strikes the spark of creation. This same work can be performed by experienced thinkers and also by a child if it is kindled by an unalterable desire. Without knowing the degree and quality of their thoughts one can judge neither hermit nor ascetic. Nor can one judge the singer or poet without knowing what thought-creativeness they emanate. Gradually we are becoming accustomed not to condemn, because only thought-creativeness is the Creator's co-worker. Thus, let us cautiously assemble all existing thoughts that can benignly penetrate Akasha and reach the essence of Existence. The greatest consolation is that no one is deprived of thought, and, aware of its significance, all can exercise this inherent bliss.

51. Sometimes people say, “I was so moved by my dream that my heart is even in anguish.” The heart-anguish comes from not evil dreams but from straining for luminous desires. Heart-anguish primarily fills our being with the substance of power. Naturally, the sculpture of Akasha is not always connected with heart pangs, but a feeling of anguish reveals, in any case, tension and cooperation with the Primary Thought-Frame. Thus, one need not fear anguish as an evil sign.

52. Those who enter the path of Great Service sometimes fear that they may not have sufficient spiritual reserve for constant bestowal. Truly, they know that the giving hand does not become impoverished, but it is difficult for them to apply this in its spiritual implication. But the same is also said of the birds of the heavens who have ample food for the morrow. Verily, in cooperation with Hierarchy, the spiritual store will not be exhausted. The heart that cherishes the Image of the Lord will not become silent. Thus, one need not fear consuming the spiritual store—it is inexhaustible. One can pour out these treasures—only hold tightly to the silver thread.

53. An inexperienced warrior of the spirit sometimes wonders, “How can the battle be so strong if my hands and feet are still whole?” As though the intensity of the battle lay only in broken bones! But often the ordinary participants of the earthly battle do not feel its tension; only the leader realizes what occurs.

54. With justice they ask, “What distinguishes the significance of thought in the New Age? If thought is affirmed so persistently does it mean that a special designation is given to it in the regeneration of life?” This is entirely correct. If during the Black Age thought was centered around man and magnetism was spread across small distances, in the New Age thought is Space! Therefore, one must not think personally but spatially.

55. Spatial thinking is not so easy for the majority of people. For this, it is necessary primarily to preserve the personality but be freed of egoism. To many, such an antithesis will seem absurd; for them egoism is personality. The manifestation of a powerful personality devoted to the General Good is beyond the imagination of many, but without personality thinking would not have potency. The tendency of thought when egoistic adds one more portion of poison to the infested aura of the planet. It is also difficult for many to realize that the substance of thought is indestructible and is not bound to the strata of space, which means that the responsibility for each thought is great. A bird of prey can be reached by an arrow, but what can destroy a loathsome thought?

56. A wise host does not light all fires without special purpose. Thus, in ancient legends there is mentioned the mountain surrounded by flame, but it is not stated anywhere that the fire burnt continuously; it rose according to the need. Thus also your fires glow according to necessity—the Eye of Brahma, or the wings, or the rays from the larynx, or the other principal twenty-one fires—it is necessary to permit them to be kindled according to their natures. It is necessary to point out that the fires act according to their power of contact with the Hierarchy. Conflagration or unbridled burning is not permissible. In the Great Service, care and caution are the first principles of the highest cooperation. We protect each particle of the energy of the Elohim and each Uruci, from the Fire of Space. This accountability is demanded especially during the time of the battle's tension.

57. It is necessary to instill an understanding of the Great Service. Pure hearts can exert themselves for the Great Service without fatigue or neglect. How destructive is the dullness of neglect! And how many even of those who know are unable to withstand it! In ancient times it was called the “grey snake.” Let the friends accept the manifestation of alertness and attentiveness.

58. Certainly, in the course of time the significance of the use of magnets and of the passage through countries is already clear to you. This is not the result of superstition but the use of rays and magnetism, which is already familiar to science in a small measure. Even skeptics do not reject the special significance of personal influences. From this, it is but one step to the strong magnet connected with the Center of manifested energies. Thus, it is also not difficult to understand the significance of the passage of a human organism, that most forceful chemical battery. Even dogs feel the strength of a man's traces. How much greater then is the development of this emanation with the application of consciousness! Therefore the meaning of Envoys is very great and continues to be applied.
Verily, one can observe where the foot of an Envoy has stepped and how a magnet attracted an entire locality into the orbit of action; as has been said of the Angels of Life and Death. Hence, one must concentratedly watch events and find in them a vast system. If common astrologers mark the coordination of great remote events, then how instructive it is to watch the fulfillment of the paths, knowing their direction.

59. Three circumstances can burden karma especially. The first—the denial of the Teacher; the second—the suspicion that the contact with Hierarchy can bring harm; the third—shrinking from a mission of responsibility. Only the heart can whisper the beginning of denial, of suspicion, of retreat. He who has many times betrayed the Teacher begins in madness to assert that he never even thought of treason and did not think of retreat; an obscured mind may invent a thousand justifications to conceal that which has long since been inscribed in the scroll of karma. It is better not to approach than to manifest apostasy! The night is not dispelled for the apostate! Yet this is not a punishment, it is but the consequence of the sowing! The heart knows how to discern the seed of treason.

60. People give very little attention to the Invisible World. It is necessary to consciously learn to understand its presence in everything. One can look upon space as upon the passageway to invisible worlds, which are observing us.

61. One must live through the hour that is called “The Dragon of the Threshold.” We call that hour “the tearing of the veil.” Thus We define when darkness plans to tear the veil but instead only discloses the distances. But courage is needed, because how otherwise shall be disclosed the accumulation of courage?

62. The sun is the heart of the system; so, also, the heart of man is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; therefore, the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly is to leave the heart cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart shall live, the need of the magnet's warmth will begin to shine forth like a true sun. It is said, “Cross Santana with the aid of the heart.” Thus one can come closer to an understanding of the heart. The heart's rhythm can be regarded as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has wondered at the instantaneousness with which a ray of the rising sun warms all things. The heart can act likewise.
I speak of the warmth of the heart when it is especially needed. The striving thought kindles space, but the warmth of the heart is a constant hearth. Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart. This must be remembered. The appearance of the dark forces is like a frost to the sowing. Only the heart's warmth provides a glowing shield. But, as we delicately test light-waves, so solicitously must one approach the heart.

63. The heart that has consecrated itself to righteousness radiates benevolence continuously, independently of the volitional sendings. Similarly, the sun's rays are not sent with premeditation. The heart that has pledged itself to evil will thrust out arrows consciously, unconsciously, and continuously. The heart of goodness sows about itself health, smiles, and spiritual bliss. The heart of evil destroys warmth and, like a vampire, sucks out the vital strength. Thus, the activity of hearts, good and evil, is unceasing. Upon the lower plane of Being the conditions of good and evil differ from their significance in the Highest World. One can visualize a glowing furnace of Light and a yawning gorge of darkness. Thus awesomely the swords of the demons and the Archangels are crossed! Amidst the flashes of battle, how many hearts are drawn toward Light and darkness!

64. It is necessary to visualize clearly the constant radiation of the heart. It is necessary to understand why the presence of evil hearts is so painful to good hearts. Neither a smile nor a forced grin of evil will conceal the emanation of the heart. The assertion of good in the heart does not exclude just indignation; but irritation is the domain of evil. Only striving to Hierarchy can determine the boundary between many feelings.

65. The crossing of currents is as hard to bear as the whetting of swords. If even the tearing of paper burdens the heart, what a contraction of the nerves is induced by the crossing of various currents and tensions! Let us turn again to the panacea. Only an intensified striving to Hierarchycan weaken all the arrows of the currents.

66. You know about the effect of human emanations upon plants. You also know about the effect of color. Now it is necessary to recall the influence of sound The similarity of these effects is significant. If, for the expansion of the potencies of a plant, an open, bright-sounding heart is necessary, then, in the effects of sound, consonance and all the dominant combinations are necessary. A dissonance cannot strengthen the current of energy. Dissonances, as an antithesis, may be useful in their effect upon people for strengthening the rhythm of consciousness; but with plants, where consciousness is at its minimum, dissonance seems to be only a retarding condition. With minerals, dissonance may even be a cause of disintegration. Verily, a rose is a symbol of consonance, and the dominant of the radiation of the rose is linked with the glow of the heart. Not a few experiments have been made with sound on plants, but the ancients believed that the finest flowers grew by the temples where there were numerous harmonies of voice and music.

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