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CREATIVITY - pictures, verses, art - CULTURE

Expensive foreign visitors. We invite you to our site of the web book <... OGNESVETOZNANIE...> (wisdom of fire). Is so many ways to development... New page - the guide in this book. One of ways - Sphere of Creative potential. In this collective work: music and poetry, art and health, culture and wisdom - video is unites our interconfessional Inner world...

Internet book "Fire-Light-Knowledge "



<...THE SPIRIT...><...OF LIGHT...><...CREATION...>



When viewing a web page of the book "Fire, Light, Knowledge", use the music

... There are many ways to self-development, search of through past, real and future...

24.03.2010г <V>


Statues of the past, the present and the future. (Vietnam).

We the pupil and the teacher to each other

Searches of Spiritual Creative potential are really infinite, and each person finds out the world by means of the symbols existing in space of our life for experience and the future.

Glow-Sign the master. (Vietnam)

Children whose parents help them to manifest and realize their individuality are happy ones.

Children of India… On the way to Minor Tibet.

Happy are those parents who look for a preceptor to reveal the truth of the text:

“The worse the better”. Inasmuch as only in the Spirit we will change our attitude to everything, and through comparison we will realize our essence as bipolar, luminous or shady.

Reminiscences of the author.

From the childhood I have love and justice, courage and struggle, beauty and vision.

Being in a hurry to help others, I gradually realized that I foresee, hear and compassionately understand other persons.

University of Tibetan monks (India)

When in 1982 in a press of Samara there were the first pictures representing to Vu Shu, acupuncture – the secret has really opened.

The 24-th form of Tai Chi Chuan (Yan Style).


Desire to operate my body, psychic energy, to know more about me directly and experience through destiny lines on my hand has given the chance to me to foresee events.

Qigong. Blowing out a candle.

It is a lot of years of practice.

And a continual desire to learn from a Teacher from the East.


With a Brahmin.


An encounter with a Hindu.


Master Hun Cheng.


White Lotus Monastery.

In 1991 in dreamlike places of mountainous Tian Shan the Scientific and Practical Centre for untraditional methods of health improvement under the aegis of the USSR State Sports Committee organized a training and practice seminar in Wu Shu and Qigong. All those who were looking for ways of self-development - doctors, scientists, teachers, tutors, sportsmen, instructors in gymnastics, masters of martial arts - underwent training under the guidance of Chinese Masters from China Wu Shu Academy.

Samara.An interview on the radio 103.6.

Kuznetsk. An interview on TV.

In the Tyan Shan mountains.

A seminar 1991.Master Tzai- Yui- Tzai.

Here the eastern wisdom and search for my predestination in this world were revealed to me. They have shown to me to go a terrestrial way … without haste … year after year, without receding from life in all age groups. Now, instructing at internal schools Concealing to Vu Shu and Qigong, we tell about practical daily life of Ishu (Хо) – (Fire) residing art. We prepare people to overcome psychological and physical illnesses, specifying that the child studies from the adult whereas the adult studies from the child that the child and his mother understand each other not only without words, but also without understanding itself.

And now the most important for beginners and experts on art to Vu Shu and the Qigong – terrestrial steps for other sources of wisdom by means of signs.


The author’s paintings.


Art, music, poetry – these contain Spirit-generated mystery of Thought, perception of information in the form of images and sounds, union of different confessions …

11.10.10 9.40 <Лад>

...Painting, music, poetry-is the secret thoughts of the spirit, the perception of image information, the union of different faiths...

<... Reflection in   transformation ...>

<… To the future through…> <... The Birth...>

We have learned martial arts,

<...Morning spent in work...>

many forms of movements,

breathing techniques;


“miracles ”of healing,

disciples – groups.

<...The seventh sphere...>

What will be in the future?

synthesis in search for expansion of consciousness.

Moscow, 1996. Swami Jyotirupananda.

<...In work... Teachers...>

An international conference under the aegis of


The basis of Wu Shu is philosophy, in the course of years – wisdom and more knowledge, whereas the science of Qigong is additionally a way to understanding creativity in everything. In the East true masters of Wu (martial) Shu (arts) are instructors who are adept in calligraphy,


A Taoist park.

painting, poetry, music.

Kuznetsk. Samara.

An exhibition of the author’s paintings.


The village Lee.

These systems for self-development demonstrate the psychic side of bipolarity.


A Taoist park.

These systems show one of secrets of Space.

To search for wisdom we should from the childhood when it was obvious enough – who you are and what is your predestination in this world.


The village Miao.

The author has visited  the mysterious vastness of the Altai,

Egypt, Turkey, Greece,

The Altai.

The Kara-Tyurek passage.


Ancient temples in mountains.



Vietnam, India, China – and now offers his photo and video impressions of the beauty.


Monasteries Meteors.


Buddha in nirvana.



To share experience in painting pictures and writing poems, causing fire – enthusiasm for creative search.

It brings joy to observe that our perception of the Fine World of the sonic and colourful, poetically harmonious, mental spirituality of our individuality, which is fabulously beautiful and still till now is inaccessible to all.

The wings of our perfection – Culture, uniting science, art and religion.

11.06.08г. 01.30 <I>


Poems and paintings from the book “Living thoughts in poetry, prose and paintings”.

“Search for Light-inspired creativity” V.V.N.

<...To Friends...>

We've gathered after centuries

To share the experience acquired

Though some are lost, we remember their names

Undoubtedly the choice consists in change,

without doubts

Work for people gives rise to infinity

Unselfish deeds are means to your renewal

Open creativity Fire - eternity

Then you remember the task of the Creator


Reflect on the heart



We have gathered in a way - Space

Take beauty of painting, wisdom of poetry

Let your thought illuminate the Way - fire, flight.




The Altai

<...To Friends...>


<... Appeal to your heart ...>

“…Find in yourself a fiery aspiration for fulfilling the great assignment of carrying the Light of Culture.

Imagine that you are living in a glass house, and on account of that be careful about all your actions and sayings. Saturate all actions with beauty of belief. In a battle retain the joy, inasmuch as you are aware of the sure victory in case of  the selfless exertion.”

Letters of H.I.Roerich.


The painting < “Hurray! Victory!” > from the book “Light inside you”

Painting "Hurray! Victory!" From the book "Light in You"

“And you will be extolled, and you will be humiliated”, but these are only signs of the Way. Their attitude to you is of the decisive importance, since behind you I stand. So, rejecting or accepting you, they reject or accept Me. Your enemies are also Mine, and enemies of Light as well. Your friends and helpers are minds attracted by the pole of Light. Walk through your life in this way – with a sword, sorting out "the sheep from the goats." And know that those who raise their hands against you – do so against Me. That is why there can’t be indifferent or impartial attitude to My folks. Everyone, whether he implies it or not, reveals one’s essence and determines one’s future. And those, who turn against you, can only be pitied, inasmuch as their fate is unenviable.


(B.N.Abramov. Aspects of Agni Yoga. v.13. §170)


About the future …

According to your ability to emit Light, you will see celestial spheres with the steps to the peak of descent or to the basis of ascent, testifying the celestial appearance of the bipolarity. Through the touch of the Highest Being, of the center will be ignited the Fire-of-Light-and-Colour… Thus will be predestined your future.

11.10.10г   18.05   <I>

Painting "In the field to the sign" from the book "Living Thought"

<...Knowledge of Spirit...>


Like a magnet we attract passions, calmness,trouble, joy

Perfection depends on thoughts that we give birth to and adopt

Against the darkness there Light is protection – to act with Love and Beauty,

doing Good

And it - how karmic bonds are created in centuries


So karmic bonds are formed through centuries

Be conscious …, make decisions through desire of Spirit

Inside of everyone there is their personal World

Which  calls for uniting manifestations of Fire-Commonwealth


It’s shown to us on this planet that impact of the thoughts can lead to action

“By means of feet and hands we have to make the Way” – that’s the appeal

But that’s just an example to compare importance of the thoughts

In the World Above life will be worse, if you didn't study

from the actions on the Earth.


There the colour-light of layers is different accoding to your merits

The magnet spheres are dependent on your thought-life -

contemplation of God or suffering in pains ...

Will lead you to the staircase –  to the peak of  the descent

To the middle of the thoughts of choice – Enlightment  and

the steps to the ascent.


Everything is clear for those who lived in wisdom

Struggled, fell - has risen, was not as <everything>, and worked for Light

I revealed inside myself bipolarity – commonwealth of elementals

Enthusiasm of Fire was the gift I searched for creativity in others


And the mystery of manifestations of Light and Darkness is kept in hearts

It’s a choice of Spirit through the Will. Those forces can’t agree

Wisdom makes all clear, and energy bipolarity is noticed in characters

To use it for Evil is the Dark, and kindness is the Holy Centre


Of the future to dream and search of ways to Eternity

Culture is a synthesis, nourishment for Spirit …aspire to the New …

Illuminate with work

The unity of 2 opposites – the Law of Space abides in us

According to the essence of Fire in the heart You all will get the Joy of Spirit

and cleansing of the Soul.

13.10.10г   13.41-14.13   <Р>

<... ...> The book is like the Morning Star … It emanates the shining Spiritual Wisdom of Light-Fire … which manifests itself on the crossroads of life-and-space ways to the visible-invisible Signs. <… Spiritual Creativity ...> <… to the Future ...> <… about the Eternal … >

18.10.10г. 15.00 <V><Lad><I><M><I><R>



Part of a video of the book "Living Thought"

The book order DVD "Live thoughts in verses, prose and pictures"


Part of a video of the book "Light in You"

The book order DVD "Light in You"

We've gathered after ages once again
To share the experience acquired.

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